The Small Chambers of Commerce Emergency Relief Grants Program is funded by the Mayor’s Fund for Los Angeles (“MFLA”) in partnership with the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development (“Mayor’s Office”) to provide economic assistance to small Chambers of Commerce impacted by COVID-19. Financial assistance will be allocated to eligible, qualified small Chambers of Commerce with awards based on availability of funds, program guidelines, and the submission of all required information and supporting documentation. Grant funds may be used towards eligible activities, listed below, associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligible expenditures begin June 1, 2021 through the end of the agreement term, no later than May 31, 2021.
Eligible Businesses
- Currently registered 501(C)(6) Chambers of Commerce organizations that have annual revenue less than $500,000 based on the most recently available 990 form (2019 – and 2020 if filed).
- Must be able to prove financial hardship as a result of COVID-19. These impacts must be documented, quantifiable, and clearly related to COVID-19, such as a significant decline in membership dues in 2020.
- Must not have received grants from other LA City funding programs such as the LA Covid Relief Fund or Microloan Program.
- Must be located within City of Los Angeles boundaries and primarily service businesses within City boundaries.
- Must have been in operation for at least two years prior to January 1, 2019 and continued operations through 2020.
- Must have an active Los Angeles City Business Tax Registration Certificate.
Required documents:
- Most recent available 990 Form(s) – FY2019 and FY2020 if filed
- Copy of current 501(C) 6 status – IRS Determination Letter
- Current FY budget as approved by the organization’s Board
- List of Board of Directors
- Completed Application Form
- Documentation of services provided to small businesses (e.g. webinar registrations, zoom meetings hosted, consultations provided, email communications with business resources sent, etc.)
Grant Award Amounts
Grant awards will be in a range of $5,000 – $10,000
Eligible Activities
The Small Chamber Grants program will provide funds that may be used for operations and/or programming. Grants will be issued in June 2021. Grantees will be required to provide a report at the end of the grant term or once funds have been used. Activities eligible for funding may include:
- Operations expenditures to reimburse the costs of business interruption due to the COVID-19 pandemic including staff salaries.
- Economic support programs to benefit small businesses.
- Costs associated with business operations such as rent, utilities, etc.
- New support staff required to adequately support enhanced issues facing small business members of the Chamber.
The list below provides examples of ineligible activities or costs covered:
- Workforce bonuses or salary increases.
- Expenses unrelated to Chambers operation or small business support.
- Severance pay.
- Legal settlements.
- Property Taxes.
- Personal Activities/Goods/Services unrelated to COVID-19.
Application Process
Applicants may only apply for one entity.
If your small Chamber of Commerce is selected as a finalist, you will be notified via email. Being selected as a finalist does not guarantee a grant will be awarded. As a finalist, the following Verification Documents will be required:
- Online W-9 form
- Registration in payment system
- MFLA Grant Agreement
- MFLA Conflict of Interest Form
Documentation must be provided within five (5) business days of written notification, unless extenuating circumstances exist. Failure to provide documentation may result in a denial of grant funds.
Reporting Requirements
Small Chambers of Commerce who receive a grant through this program will be required to submit a report to the Mayor’s Fund for Los Angeles within thirty days of the end of the grant term. The report must include the following:
- Summary of how funds were used
- Breakdown of expenses applied to the grant
Receipts for expenses must be kept on file for two years following the close of the grant.
Information provided through the application process is the responsibility of each applicant. Applicants will not hold MFLA, Mayor’s Office, its affiliates, members, partners, and staff liable for any losses, damages, costs, or expenses, of any kind relating to the use or the adequacy, accuracy, or completeness of any information loaded in the form.
Conflict of Interest
Current directors, officers, employees, and contractors of the Mayor’s Office or MFLA and such individuals’ family members (spouse, parents, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and spouses of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren) are not eligible to apply or seek an award.
If awarded, please be advised that the applicant’s application information, name, statements, and other information provided during the award process may be used for promotional purposes in all forms and media and the business/applicant may be contacted by MFLA, its agents and/or the program sponsors for such purposes. Until notified, applicants must agree not to share any status as a finalist publicly, including but not limited to all social media platforms, news media, or local publications.
It is recommended that you consult a tax consultant should you receive a grant for any tax determinations.